Monday, June 21, 2010

New lunch system gets mixed reviews

By Rythm Gade

Three months into the new lunch system, some students are still grumbling about complications of the card-swipe method of payment but most students seem to be cruising through the lines faster than before...

“The new system makes me happy,” Freshman Scott Hospod said. Like a lot of other students, Hospod called the new system faster and easier because he didn’t have to worry about bringing – and possibly losing – cash.

The student body has come a long way since March, when the system was first introduced. The first week was confusing and hectic. Where were you supposed to add money? What if you didn’t remember your card?

Freshman Kyle Lecomte’s experience was not unusual. “I didn’t get to pay for lunch until there were five minutes left,” he recalled. “I ate most of my lunch standing in line.”

Three months later, there are still students who wish they could to bring back the old system.

“The new system sucks,” freshman Michael Kavalchuk said. “I wish I could just get my fries with cash.” Under the old system, Mike noted, students could just pay for fries with cash. Now they have to stand in line with the pizza and other lunch buyers.

Another problem some students have encountered is sharing money. Some students used to help out a friend and share their cash. Now, the cards show a picture of a student when scanned, a feature being used to prevent stolen cards from being used. The lunch cashiers don’t allow anyone other than the student whose picture comes up to make a purchase.

Other students say they appreciate the fact that their cards can’t be stolen and used. They’ve also learned that forgetting their cards isn’t a problem; they can just punch in their student ID codes to buy lunch.

Mr. Virgin, director of school food services, said there is no question but that the new lunch system has sped up the buying process. Lines are shorter, and more people are served faster than before. “The system is faster. It’s an improvement,” he said.

Only one thing would make the lines move even faster, Mr. Virgin said: if students would all remember their ID numbers.

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